[trx_events style=”events-2″ cat=”47″ count=”1″]
[trx_columns margins=”” top=”huge” bottom=”small”][trx_column_item][trx_image url=”1797″][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][trx_title type=”2″ style=”underline” align=”left” font_weight=”400″ top=”medium”]The Anglican Parish of the Parrsboro Shore[/trx_title][trx_section bottom=”null”]

Since 1786, the Anglican Parish of the Parrsboro Shore, including St. George’s, Parrsboro; Holy Trinity, Fox River/Port Greville; St. Mark’s, Moose River; and Christ Church, West Bay, has been spreading the good news of Jesus Christ through worship and community service. Whoever you are and wherever you may be on your journey of faith, we welcome you!

[trx_button size=”medium” link=”/about-us/” top=”small”]Read More[/trx_button][/trx_section][/trx_column_item][/trx_columns][trx_section top_border=”” bottom_border=”yes” bg_tile=”” bg_padding=””][/trx_section]
[trx_call_to_action style=”2″ align=”left” accent=”yes” title=”Let Us Pray For You” subtitle=”Parrsborro Anglicans are here to support you through prayer” link=”https://parrsboroanglicans.com/contacts” link_caption=”Send Message for Prayer” icon=”icon-mail-light” top=”small” bottom=”small”]
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[trx_section title=”Get Involved” description=”The Anglican Parish of the Parrsboro Shore is vibrant and diverse” top_border=”” bottom_border=”” bg_tile=”” bg_padding=”” css=”max-width:585px;” top=”huge” bottom=”huge” left=”large” right=”medium”]

Whether you volunteer with the Parrsboro Food Bank located in St. George’s Hall, help with social events, assist in maintaining our historic buildings or join our choir, the Anglican Parish of the Parrsboro Shore has these ministries and more, ready to welcome your participation!

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[trx_section title=”Upcoming Events” description=”You can become a part of our church or a volunteer to help” align_title=”center” white=”yes” top_border=”yes” bottom_border=”yes” bg_tile=”” bg_padding=”” top=”null” bottom=”null”][trx_tabs style=”3″ initial=”2″][trx_tab title=”Tab 1″ icon=”icon-1460548438_menu1″ tab_id=”sc_tab_1460526942_1_47″ id=”sc_tab_1460526942_1_47″][trx_events cat=”49″ columns=”3″ count=”3″ bottom=”null”][/trx_tab][trx_tab title=”Tab 2″ icon=”icon-1460548440_grid” tab_id=”sc_tab_1460526942_2_9″ id=”sc_tab_1460526942_2_9″][trx_events style=”events-2″ cat=”49″ columns=”3″ count=”3″ top=”small” bottom=”null”][/trx_tab][/trx_tabs][/trx_section]
[trx_section title=”Our Churches” description=”The Historic Churches of the Parish of the Parrsboro Shore” align_title=”center” top_border=”” bottom_border=”” bg_tile=”” bg_padding=”” top=”huge” bottom=”huge”]
[trx_section title=”Rector”][trx_image url=”1914″ extra=”yes”][/trx_section]
[trx_title type=”2″ align=”left” font_weight=”400″ top=”small”]In Person Services, January 27, 2022[/trx_title]

Dear Friends:

Earlier today, Bishop Sandra Fyfe lifted the suspension of in-person services in Nova Scotia effective immediately.   The lifting of this suspension does not automatically imply that parishes will immediately resume in-person services.  Given the storm forecast for this weekend and the fact that we need some lead time, our service this Sunday, January 30, will be online only: Facebook Parrsboro Anglicans and Facebook All Saints Anglican Church, Springhill and the Parrrsboro Anglicans website.   We hope to resume in-person services, Sunday, February 6.  The January 30th service, had it been in-person, would have been a shared service held at St. George’s, Parrsboro, so there would not have been a service at All Saints Church Hall this weekend anyway.  Please note that when we gather in-person in February, it will at 25% capacity of the building, no more than 50 people, with the use of masks, social distancing, and proper sanitizing of hands.  We will not be permitted to sing hymns because of the particularly contagious nature of the Covid-19 Omicron Variant.  Only instrumental music and/or a single masked soloist will be permitted.

I appreciate how confusing and frustrating some of these changes and restrictions can be.   I am glad that we will be moving back toward in-person worship in February.   In the meantime, please view and participate in the online services.   Make use of this resource and encourage others to do so also.  Public and common worship is an essential element in our spiritual lives and this type of virtual format allows us to share in a common experience and pray the prayers of our tradition, even while physically separated.   We hear the word of God, share in prayer, and know that the same Spirit is with us all.

God bless and keep you and your loved ones.

Yours sincerely in the Lord,

The Rev’d Dr. Brian J. Spence – Rector
[trx_section title=”From The Blog” description=”Come and check out the latest news from our church life” align_title=”center” top=”medium” bottom=”huge”]

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