Pastoral Letter – April 28, 2021

Dear Friends:


As parishes under the umbrella of shared ministry, we have made very significant progress over the last year as we contended with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.   We returned to physically gathering as congregations in both the Parish of Parrsboro Shore and the Parish of All Saints, Springhill in the summer of 2020.   Over the months that followed, we have attempted to create as much normalcy in parish life as we could.   We have managed to celebrate the All Saints Parish Anniversary, Advent and Christmas at St. George’s and All Saints, do a Lenten Program, observe and celebrate Holy Week and Easter Day all the way through to the Fourth Sunday of Easter into this very week.  Much of this not only happened as physically gathered congregations, but was also available online.  The Lenten Program in particular was available in group sessions at St. George’s and All Saints.  The Lenten talks were also online and the program could be done by individuals at home on a daily basis.  At All Saints, the children have gathered for Sunday School, and in both parishes we have re-established much of our meeting schedule.   Our Annual Meetings took place in both parishes.   Repairs, renovation and physical maintenance was carried out on some of our properties and All Saints has done a lot, especially through take-out, to restore sharing food on special occasions as part of our church community life.   Much effort (some obvious, some less so) has been given to continuing parish life.   In all these endeavours, we have tried to strictly adhere to the protocols and directives of our provincial health authority.


As Premier Rankin said a few days ago, unfortunately, Covid-19 is not done with us yet.   Therefore, in accordance with the legal authority of our Provincial Government, we will suspend our normal activities for the next two weeks.   This includes canceling all services with physically gathered congregations, all meetings, all hall rentals.   We must do our part as church communities and individuals to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus in our communities.   That means wearing masks, social distancing, limiting the circle of people that we are interacting with, practising the required hygiene (hand sanitizer), and, when the opportunity presents itself, being vaccinated as directed by our health authorities and, where appropriate, personal physicians.  


SUNDAY SERVICES FOR MAY 2 AND MAY 9 are cancelled at St. George’s Church, Parrsboro, Holy Trinity, Fox River and All Saints Parish Hall, Springhill.   Sadly, this will include our plans for Mothers’ Day.   A Sunday service will be available on Facebook for both parishes for each of these Sundays.   We ask that parishioners and friends of the parishes continue their financial support through the mail during this time.  Please make up envelopes.  God-willing, this will be a short and limited period as all Nova Scotians work to get this virus under control and protect ourselves, our families and one another.  Let us continue in the ways available to us to celebrate the Easter Season and all that Jesus Christ has accomplished for us.


Yours faithfully in the Crucified and Risen Christ,


The Rev’d Dr. Brian J. Spence – Rector

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