Dear Friends:
All of us, I am sure, are glad that the cases of Covid-19 in our province have steadily decreased over the last couple of weeks and some of the restrictions have been lifted or modified. Unfortunately, in Phase 1 of the province’s reopening that does not much change circumstance for parish life. The limitation on faith gatherings that they be under 10 people conducted outside is very impractical given weather, the age of many of our congregants, and the difficulty of limiting services to 10 people. Therefore, until further notice, we will continue with online worship. I believe this is a very fluid situation which could change quickly and unexpectedly. And, of course, it always takes a little time for us to make adjustments. In each case, we want to ensure the safety of our parishioners and that we are in line with public health directives and the law. We are also currently unable to hold indoor meetings or other activities in our facilities. This too could change quite quickly.
The vaccine roll out is increasing public safety, as well as the continued practices of following public health directives on how we gather (numbers and where), wearing masks, social distancing, and the proper use of sanitizers. We WILL see an end to this pandemic. Most experts are telling us that things will begin to normalize in the summer. The Parish Wardens and I will try to keep you apprised of the latest developments as they affect church life and we will help in any way we can. We are all tired and demoralized by these circumstances. We pray for those harder hit than ourselves, as with the people of India, and with all those who have been or are seriously ill, those who have died, and those who have lost loved ones over the last year and a half.
May we through God’s Grace be our best selves.
You are in my prayers.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
The Rev’d Dr. Brian J. Spence – Rector